- Julie Le, DO, HS Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UC San Diego Health, San Diego, CA
This presentation will go over the basics of ADHD presentation in adults. It will also focus on education of ADHD assessment as it pertains to integrated care. Earlier detection in whichever model, Primary Care Behavioral Health or Collaborative Care model, as with its use of associated measurement-based strategies will only provide better patient care in the outpatient primary care setting.
Target audience is for any clinician with an interest in increasing their knowledge base and confidence level with regards to ADHD in Adults. All disciplines are welcome.
Handouts and resources will be provided.
- to better understand adult presentations of ADHD
- to become more adept at picking up indicators and narratives that may lead one to ask further about ADHD symptomatology and, also in ruling out other major psychiatric co-morbidities
- to be able to understand the basics of how to diagnose and to treat ADHD in Adults thus emphasizing one's crucial role as a team member